Eldorado Arts & Crafts Association Member Activities
Eldorado Arts & Crafts Association (EACA) general membership meetings are held at the Eldorado Community Center Classroom and are open to all EACA members. Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of the month six to seven times a year at 7:00pm. They are informative, social and educational, many times featuring an artist’s work and techniques. Meetings are publicized a month in advance in the newsletter.

Shop Talk
Shop Talk is our educational event for members. It is usually held on a Wednesday morning five to six times a year. The programs reflect the broad interests and talents of our members. Besides visiting the studios of members and hearing a talk about their process we have also visited museums, local art exhibits, the backstage tour of Santa Fe Opera, and more. Dates and times are announced in the newsletter.
Our next Shop Talk event will take place on Tuesday November 12th, 2019. We will be visiting the annual exhibition of works by the Santa Fe Book Arts Group, which is held in the Capitol Rotunda gallery in Santa Fe. This exhibit has proved to be a big hit in the past. More details will follow in the upcoming EACA newsletter.
Life Drawing Classes Are Resuming! Beginning Monday May 24 10:00-12:00 And Will Commence Every Other Monday.
We start promptly at 10AM, the fee is $10 for two hours. Space is limited to the first twelve people to arrive. Sessions will take place in the CLASSROOM at the Eldorado Community Center (entrance across from yellow railroad house, enter, make left, Classroom straight ahead). Pencil, charcoal or watercolors are allowed. No solvents or permanent pigments allowed.
Everyone gets two chairs - one for seating and one to support your paper or board. Small easels are allowed. Our models are professional and will pose unclothed. Please be respectful and refrain from entering and leaving while model is posing. This is not a class - no instruction is given. We have a no conversations while model is posing policy. No Food or photographs
We Stay Close To A Classic Format For Poses:
5 - 1 minute
5 - 2 minute
1 - 10 minute
5 minute break
1 - 25 minute
5 minute break
1 - 30 minute
Please replace chairs in the racks provided
Pease take all trash with you
For more information, contact joe@fishprint.net

EACA members receive an electronic newsletter with information about upcoming meetings, events and opportunities. We also share news submitted from our members regarding their exhibits, shows, awards, and honors. Supporting the efforts of our fellow members is an important part of our mission.
Volunteer Opportunities
As a volunteer-run organizations there are always opportunities for members to get involved. Volunteering with the EACA is a great way to get to know other artists in the Eldorado community while having a fun and rewarding experience. Please contact us at eldoradoarts@gmail.com with any questions you may have.