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EACA Board and By-Laws


Ratified by General Membership April 2024



The Eldorado Arts & Crafts Association (hereinafter referred to as EACA) shall function under the laws of the State of New Mexico and pertinent rules and regulations issued by the State.



Mission Statement: To promote a supportive community among members; to provide ongoing educational and marketing opportunities; and to encourage connections between the EACA and the larger Eldorado and Santa Fe communities.


Vision Statement: Artists will flourish creatively and financially. The EACA will strengthen connections among members both personally and professionally. There will be greater appreciation of the arts within the larger community. The Eldorado community will benefit from EACA activities.



Membership in the EACA is open to anyone interested in the arts. Members in good standing refer to any member who is current on their annual membership dues.

General Membership refers to all members in good standing.



The EACA Board shall consist of elected Executive Board Officers and appointed Committee Chairs. EACA Board members shall receive no salary and must be members in good standing.


  1.   Selection of Board

           A. Executive Officers shall be elected annually by the General Membership by electronic voting to serve for the following                       Membership year.

                a. The President shall appoint a Nominating and Election Panel to select candidates and facilitate election for Executive                        Officers. This Panel shall be made up of currently appointed Board Members.

                b. If an Executive Board Officer is unable to serve their full term, the President will appoint a replacement to serve the                          remainder of the Membership year, with the approval of the remaining Executive Board members.

                c. If the President is unable to serve the full term, the Vice President will become the President for the remainder of the                        Membership year. The new President will then appoint a new Vice President to serve the remainder of the Membership                        year, with the approval of the remaining Executive board members.


            B. Committee Chairs are appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board annually at the beginning of the                  Membership year to serve for that year.

                a. If a Committee Chair is unable to serve their full term, the President will appoint a replacement with the approval of the                    Executive Board.

                b. The President may create new committees, dissolve, or combine existing committees, and appoint Chairs as needed                        with the approval of the Executive Board.​


              C. The President may also appoint, replace, or remove other members to Board to lead specific activities or services as                          needed for the Membership year.


             D. A listing of current elected and appointed Board members will be maintained by the Secretary and available to EACA                       membership.


  2.  Executive Board Officers

  Executive Board Officers shall be designated as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Communications Coordinator.​

            A.  The President shall preside at EACA Board Meetings and General Meetings, recruit and appoint Committee Chairs and                    other Board members. The President shall oversee all activities of the association.

            B. The Vice President shall assist the President and preside at the Board Meetings and general meetings if the President is                  not in attendance. The Vice President shall be responsible for developing the program topics presented in the quarterly                        General Membership Meetings. The Vice President will also develop and assist in special projects as assigned by the                              President.

            C. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the EACA Board Meetings and the General Membership Meetings.

            D. The Treasurer shall receive, disburse, and manage monies for the EACA and serve as the financial officer for all EACA                        events. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing the annual EACA budget and preparing and presenting the annual                   financial report. All budgets are to be approved by the Executive Board.

            E. The Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for all official distribution of communications to the General                        Membership and will maintain the membership mailing lists. The Communications Coordinator shall support all EACA                            activities and coordinate other communication related to the EACA Newsletter, the EACA Facebook page, the EACA                             Instagram account, and the EACA Youtube channel.


  3.  Committee Chairs

           A. Each committee will be headed by an appointed Chair and if appropriate a Co-Chair.


           B. The Committees may include but are not limited to: the Eldorado Studio Tour, membership, social, and art shows.


  4.  Other Board members

           A. Appointees shall provide activities or services to assist the Board.

           B. Activity or service Board members may include but are not limited to: website, newsletter, member at large, and past                       President.




  1.  General Membership Meetings

       General Membership meetings shall be held quarterly. The Board may decide to forgo a meeting from time to time.​


  2.  Board Meetings

           A. Board Meetings occur monthly. Each Executive Board member shall have one vote and each Committee  Chair                                   shall have one vote. Board members may vote by being at the meeting in person, by Zoom, by text or email.


           B. For a motion to pass, it must be approved by a quorum of the Board. A quorum is defined as one-half plus one of                               the current voting members of the board.


           C. Any member may attend and observe Board meetings. Comments may be offered at the conclusion of the meeting’s                       business and will be reflected in the meeting minutes.


           D. On voting matters, each Executive Officer in attendance gets one vote and each Committee Chair gets one vote.


  3.  Social Events or Activities

       All social events and/or activities shall be scheduled by the Executive Board as deemed appropriate.




Annual dues shall be paid by members prior to their participation in any EACA events and activities unless otherwise stated.


Any change in dues must be approved by a majority of the General Membership voting in an electronic ballot.


  1.  â€‹Membership Year

       Membership year is from is January 1 through December 31 of the calendar year.


​   2.  Membership Renewals

       Membership renewals and new member applications are accepted throughout the year, however members submitting renewal           applications are strongly encouraged do so between January 1 –January 31 of the year.



The EACA fiscal year is January 1 to December 31 of the calendar year. The EACA Executive Board is authorized to select such bank or depositories as it shall deem proper for EACA funds. The Executive Board shall determine who, if anyone, in addition to the President, Vice President, Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks, drafts, or other order of payment or money, notes or other evident of indebtedness; and to enter into contracts.



  1.  Personal Liability:

       No Board member or active or inactive member shall be held personally liable of any debts of the EACA.​


  2.  Member Benefits:

       Members in good standing shall be able to participate in EACA sponsored meetings, events, and activities. General Membership         will also be able to vote for Executive Officers and other EACA matters as appropriate; and advertise one's art via the EACA                 Newsletter, Facebook page, Instagram Account, and YouTube Channel. In addition, members will be the recipients of EACA                 related emails and information.​


  3.  Eldorado Studio Tour and EACA Art Shows:

       Members in good standing who live in the geographical area accessed by the three major entrances (Avenidas Amistad, Vista             Grande, and Eldorado) will be eligible to participate. Members must complete the appropriate application and submit the                     required fees by the deadlines established. In addition, members may show and sell only their own creations.


  4.  By-Law Amendments / Revisions:

       At the beginning of each Membership Year the President shall select a panel of Board members to review the current By-Laws             for needed revisions.

       Amendments and/or revisions to the By-Laws shall be offered by the Board and reviewed by the General Membership.                           Ratification of any amendments to the By-Laws will be through electronic voting by the General Membership and determined by         a majority of those voting.


  5. Safety:

      Alcohol is prohibited from any EACA event.




If for any reason, the association shall cease to exist or function, all remaining funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization. The members will be invited to suggest such organizations as potential beneficiaries and the decision shall be made by a majority of the General Membership voting in an electronic voting process.

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